KDC Connections

Helping people find PAs and PAs find jobs

Personal Health Budget (PHB) holder funding from Skills for Care


If you receive a Personal Health Budget (PHB) from the NHS to employ a personal assistant (PA), you can apply for funding from Skills for Care.

The funding can be used for care related training to help you as an employer, or to develop the skills of your PAs.

It can cover the costs of training and qualifications, travel and the cost of hiring replacement support whilst your usual PA attends training.

If you employ a PA using your own money or through a direct payment, you can also apply for the funding. Visit the individual employer funding page.

How can I apply?

To apply for funding, you’ll need to complete the application form and send it to Skills for Care. You can download this via their website: www.skillsforcare.org.uk/funding.

Funds allocated on a first come first served basis.

You can ask for assistance to complete the application form, but only you as the employer can agree to the conditions on the grant.  You must send the application form with all necessary documents before 28 February 2020.


The Skills for Care guidance document will explain more about the funding and how to complete your application. This is also available as an easy read guidance.

When you’ve read the guidance document, complete the application form and send it to Skills for Care with the relevant documents. You can download it as a Word document or a PDF document.   Applications can be sent at any time up to 17.00 on 28 February 2020.

If you have any questions, read these FAQs, or get in touch via email (funding@skillsforcare.org.uk) or phone (0113 241 1275).

What can I apply for?

  • You can apply for funding to develop the skills of yourself and your personal assistant.
  • The fund will cover the direct costs of training and qualifications, travel and the cost of hiring a replacement PA.

This funding cannot be used to fund training for health care tasks included in your care plan.

The costs and delivery of training for these essential tasks must be met by the NHS organisation issuing the budget.

What happens next?

Skills for Care will consider all applications for funding on a case by case basis. If successful, they will usually notify you within 30 days and arrange payment directly into your bank account.

This funding will close on 31 March 2020.

Other support for PHB holders

The Skills for Care Information hub for individual employers and PAs has lots of practical resources and advice to support PHB holders who employ their own PAs.